Harlex acquired this 7.25acre former garden centre site with Fiera Real Estate and the Residential Land Partnership in September 2018. The site is located off Thorley Lane and Wood Lane within the popular residential suburb of Altrincham, Greater Manchester, which is approximately 8 miles south of Manchester city centre. The site was formerly home to Wyevale and the World of Water, with the latter tenant staying in-situ post acquisition. The site sits within Trafford Borough Council and forms part of the green belt release proposed under the latest Places for Everyone plan, prepared by Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Harlex obtained outline planning permission for 116 new homes at appeal, including a high proportion of affordable housing on the site.
On behalf of our funding partner, Harlex has assembled and managed the professional team from acquisition through to submission of an outline planning application for 116 new high quality homes, with all matters reserved except for access. The site is earmarked for release from the green belt via the Places for Everyone development plan and a planning application was submitted in September 2021. This was was refused on the grounds of the green belt status of the land. Harlex subsequently appealed this refusal on the grounds of lack of a five year housing land supply and the Planning Inspector allowed the appeal in February 2023. Harlex has formed a collegiate working relationship with Trafford MBC through the process and through the selection and management of the design team. The site is now being sold to a national housebuilder and is likely to complete in Q4 2023.